Posts mit dem Label prague werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label prague werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Sonntag, 27. April 2014


martin - bs tailslide - innsbruck | photo: lucian zweifel
pushin through innsbruck | photo: lucian zweifel
nicci - nollie 360 flip - innsbruck | photo: lucian zweifel
martin - kickflip bs tailslide - innsbruck | photo: lucian zweifel
burgi - pole jam - innsbruck | photo: lucian zweifel

martin - ollie - innsbruck | photo: lucian zweifel
martin - kickflip - innsbruck | photo: lucian zweifel
martin - bs feeble - mystic park prague | photo: lucian zweifel

nicci - hardflip - mystic park prague | photo: lucian zweifel

burgi - bs smith - stalin square prague | photo: lucian zweifel
martin - kickflip - stalin square prague | photo: lucian zweifel

Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013

Teamphoto by Stefan Lang

the team in prague | artwork by stefan lang
A special thanks to Stefan Lang who created this lovely teamphoto of us!

Please check-out his other artworks on Facebook: